Thursday, June 16, 2011

Final post

This blog will be going inactive as I have completed my last day at WHS. I am leaving the blog up because I treasure the quality of work my students contributed to it. Thank you for all you've taught me.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Dela's Publish or Perish 4-29-11

Dela Herr


I am from a tree of Rosas and Paulas.
Grew under the help of Samira and Sarah.
I am from 'You can't have everything'
and 'Nobody's perfect'.
I am from Indonesia, Italy and Greece.
I am from Princes and Blonde on Blonde;
grew up with love birds,guinea pig and fish.
I am from Trivial Persute and Barbie girls.
I am from baking cookies, barbecue and paint.
I am from chocolat and mom's best cheese cake.
I am from volleyball, tennis and ballett.
I am from the warmth and
I am from home.